Products for every application

Products for every application

Working with DP over the years helped me grow my business from a regional sailmaker to a worldwide brand. From one design to Maxi’s, DP has built the cloth that has contributed significantly to building Ullman Sails.

Dave Ullman, Sailmaker, World Champion & Sailing Hall of Fame member

Working with DP over the years helped me grow my business from a regional sailmaker to a worldwide brand. From one design to Maxi’s, DP has built the cloth that has contributed significantly to building Ullman Sails.

Dave Ullman, Sailmaker, World Champion & Sailing Hall of Fame member

Weaving, laminating and finishing -all in our hand for your perfect sail.


Dimension-Polyant und Philipp Buhl verlängern Technologie-Partnerschaft

Der Allgäuer Philipp Buhl gehört zur absoluten Weltspitze bei den ILCA 7 Seglern und gleichzeitig zu den ersten Regattaseglern, die mit dem Hochleistungstuch Tyra PLY® von Dimension- Polyant gesegelt sind. Bei den German Open der International Moth Class auf dem Wittensee holte er mit Tyra PLY® Segeln 2023 bereits die Goldmedaille.

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Bei ORC WM Team der AQUAplay mit TyraPLY® bestes deutsches Team in Gruppe C

At ORC World Championship: Team of AQUAplay with TyraPLY® best German team in group C

We were on site last week at the 2023 ORC World Championship in Kiel to support the AquaPLAY team.
The nine sailors competed with sails made from our high-performance TyraPLY® cloth. Difficult weather conditions, strong winds, waves and rain challenged the sailors in the first few days, followed by a long sail overnight, then more rain and the wind dropped sharply.

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Langfahrtprojekt des Lübecker Yacht-Clubs Dimension-Polyant verkündet Partnerschaft mit Clara Weimer

15.000 Seemeilen in 60 Wochen: Zum 30. Jahrestag der Segeljacht MEU und dem 125. Jubiläum des Lübecker Yachtclubs, wird Seglerin Clara Weimer eine Langstreckenfahrt auf der Comfortina 38 antreten. Dimension-Polyant unterstützt sie dabei. Die Reise beginnt am 5.August 2023 in Travemünde. Von dort steuert die 26-Jährige mit wechselnden Crews die Karibik an.

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